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We've had some gorgeous weather lately, with wonderful blue skies.
But up until the last week or so, it's been really cold. And being the extreme weather wimps that we are, M and I have mostly stayed in and played with our toys. I've been looking through my doll collection which is mostly packed away in boxes at the moment (waiting for the display shelves I really do intend to construct for them one of these days) and figuring out which dollies I want to hold on to and which ones I want to pass on to new homes. Also broke my promise not to buy any new dolls; just couldn't pass up a lovely new Silkstone Barbie -- I'm a sucker for dolls in Chanel-style outfits.
And she has such lovely blue eyes.
The hubby has been tinkering with his model trains. He hasn't built an actual layout yet -- that's going to have to wait until we get the garage a little more cleared out. But he has created a bit of a display space above his work bench, and even built a backdrop for them (with another lovely blue sky).
And some of the photos he's taken make them look almost like real choo-choos.
Happy Blue Monday, everyone! Hope you have a wonderful (sunny and warm) week.