Well, here we are at the end of another week.
Almost the end of another year! Doesn't seem possible that 2010 is nearly over - I'm just now getting used to putting that one in between the zeros whenever I have to write the date. Don't know if that's a sign of getting old, or if I'm just a slow learner.
Anyway, it's Friday and time for another
Friday Fill-Ins. This week, in honor of the holiday season,
the prompts are in
green and
red. So here we go:
What in the world would I do without Friday Fill-Ins every Friday?
2. Wish I didn't look so
well fed.
Go for the gold.
Go tell it on the mountain.
Go, go, go!
Go, and never darken my door again. (Having a little trouble with this one.)
4. No one
sent me any Christmas goodies this year (At least, not yet.)
I keep wondering how it got to be the end of another year so fast.
6. Ready
or not, here comes Christmas!
And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to relaxing with M, and probably watching another basketball game (it's that time of year around here),
tomorrow my plans include running errands and doing some shopping after the snow melts a little more
and Sunday, I want to stay indoors and away from all the new snow we're supposed to have, and get some reading done!