Friday, September 23, 2016

SkyWatch Friday: Hawaiian Sunset

September 2016

In the pool, edge of the Pacific, catching the last rays. Photo isn't as sharp as it might be. Probably had something to do with the piña colada.

For more sky shots, click on the button above.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Monday Mellow Yellows: Yellow Hibiscus

Last month, M and I celebrated our 50th wedding anniversary. (Yes, it was a teenage wedding — at least for me.) And since it was such a momentous occasion, we decided we needed to do something to make it really memorable. That took some deep thinking — we're generally pretty boring and unimaginative, at least when it comes to travel. Tend to do the same things and go the same places every year. But after mulling it over for a while, we decided to book a trip to Hawaii, a place neither of us had ever been but always wanted to go. And I have to say, it was worth the wait. Hawaii is absolutely beautiful, the Hawaiians were friendly and welcoming, and the trip was relaxing and exciting at the same time, and most definitely memorable.

And ... now I have hundreds of photos to sort through! Many of which, I'm sure, will be appearing on this blog in the coming weeks. (So stay tuned!)

Here's one.

The yellow hibiscus was everywhere in Honolulu. There were even vast walls of the flowers along the highway. Gorgeous. I've since found out it's the state flower of Hawaii, a lovely choice. (Almost as lovely as the Texas bluebonnet!)

Monday Mellow Yellows is hosted by Gemma Wiseman.
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