Mutterings for the week of April 1st. Unconscious Mutterings is hosted by LunaNiña. And here we go....
- Error :: message; Microsoft (Why we switched to Apple.)
- Kitty :: Miss Kitty and Mr. Dillon (Yeah, I'm THAT old!)
- Delay :: Amtrak, Congress
- Scale :: model trains (The Hubs has been getting back into the hobby.)
- Calculation :: algebra, NASA, carpentry
- System :: digestive, solar, subway
- Innovation :: inventor, change, new stuff
- April :: Mamma (My mother was born in April and died in April, a few days after her 80th birthday.)
- Comforter :: duvet, bed covering
- Frustrating :: April (I was going to say "Life" but that's a little pessimistic, even for me.)