Time for a little Sunday Stealing (hosted by Bev Sykes) — questions lifted from all over the blogosphere. This week's list is from a set of "Storywise" cards that were made for Alzheimers patients.
1. The strangest place you've ever been.
Junior high gym class.2. Unusual food combinations you enjoy.
I guess I like pretty normal things. The weirdest things I can think of are peanut butter, bacon and mayonnaise sandwiches. Is that an unusual combination? Also cream cheese and sardines on rye. I used to love those, but would not dare eat one now.3. Your best cure for hiccups.
Well, the old trick of breathing into a paper bag usually works for me.4. Something you have never done but would like to try.
Always wanted to ice skate. Much too old to try it now, though.
5. A routine you do every day without fail.
Daily dental upkeep -- always. Even when I'm sick or traveling.6. Something new you've recently learned.
Can't think of anything for this one. Haven't learned anything really new for quite a while. That's sort of depressing, isn't it.7. Your keenest sense.
Once I would have said sight, but my eyes are not what they were. So I guess my sense of smell is probably keenest now.... Unfortunately.8. Whether you prefer cooking or cleaning up.
I really hate to cook, so if there's a choice, I'm usually on clean-up duty.... But I hate to clean up, too.9. Where were you the last time you saw the sun rise.
Here at home, I'm sure. I'm not usually up that early, though.10. A recent time you were embarrassed.
Nothing recent. I'm not easily embarrassed. Too old and nasty.11. An everyday sound that delights you.
The mockingbirds that sing around our yard. They're actually mean little things, but I love their songs.12. The last conversation you had with a stranger.
Haven't had what I'd consider a real conversation with a stranger lately. Made small talk with the checker at the grocery store today. Does that count?