1. She had a great many things to do, but she put them all off to write her Friday Fill-Ins. Clever girl.
2. _____ is by my side, always. Hmmmm. Well, I can't think of anything that's by my side always. I could be sentimental and say my hubby, but of course he's not by my side most of the day because he's at work. So – my computer? A book? My back-scratcher? The spirits of my ancestors?
3. I know this: you can never have too much chocolate.
4. I spent too much time sitting still today. Got to remember to exercise the old joints.
5. These words apply to me: I'm New Wave, but I'm Old School. Actually, George Carlin said that, but he was talking about me.
6. Today the sun was shining. I'm not so confident about tomorrow.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _____ (well, tonight is almost gone – I'm looking forward to getting some sleep), tomorrow my plans include having lunch out somewhere, doing some shopping, and probably watching one of our Netflix DVDs – most likely "Slumdog Millionaire", and Sunday, I want to get some reading done!