(Click on photo to enlarge.)I thought this would be an appropriate shot for the season. It was taken at either Thanksgiving or Christmas in 1971 (it's dated December 1971, but I wasn't always great at getting film developed right away). Sorry about the quality, but it was converted from an old slide and had to be cleaned up quite a bit.
That dude in the middle is my husband M, with his younger brother to the left and his grandfather on the right. I'm not sure what it is he's examining with such rapt interest - looks like a pitcher or jug of some kind, and his grandmother
did have a large pitcher collection, although most of them were much tinier than the one here.
What a difference forty years can make! Sadly, M's granddad is no longer with us. But he had a good run - lived to be 91 or 92, and did exactly as he pleased most of his life. M's little brother cut his long golden locks ages ago. And the house they're gathered in was torn down several years back and replaced by a giant Whataburger site. Time marches on.
Oh, and M's mustache disappeared quite a while ago, too. That's the one thing from way back then that I don't miss at all!