Blue Monday is hosted weekly by Smiling Sally.
To see more offerings, or to participate yourself, please head on over to her blog.I haven't been participating in
Blue Monday for a while now. Actually, I haven't been participating in anything much when it comes to blogging, lately. My husband Michael retired a couple of months ago, and since then we've been spending most of our time getting our condo in shape to sell later this year. I had no idea being retired was
so much work!
We also recently bought our first SUV - a 2011 Ford Escape. And during the several hours we were sitting around at the dealership, doing all the paper work, I had time to notice all the retro-style gas pumps decorating the showroom. Thought this one would be great for Blue Monday since it was such a nice
blue color. But the lighting in the place kept me from really capturing the
blue, darn it.

And the car was no help, either - it's gray, not
blue. Well, there is some
blue on the license plate. And
blue sky reflected in the windows and trim. Not enough?

OK, I also took some photos of the handbag I had with me that day, and it has some
blue in the fabric (which is called "Night Owl" because of all those cute little owls in the print). OK, not
much blue, but some.

Oh, and my glasses have
blue tips on the ear pieces, too. Does that count?

Click on photos to enlarge.)