Blue Monday is hosted weekly by Smiling Sally.
To see more offerings, or to participate yourself,
please head on over to her blog.One Saturday, a few weeks ago, M and I ventured into DC for the National Train Day show at Union Station. Weren't the banners a lovely

We were hoping to see some really interesting model train exhibits (M is a real enthusiast, if not a practitioner), but the only one we got a look at turned out to be more in the realm of Thomas the Tank Engine. But it seemed to be fascinating the
kiddoes, and after all, that's who it was aimed at.

This guy in the green leaf suit was advertising Amtrak's high-speed
Acela train, which is supposed to be "the green way to get there." Not sure what that was all about, but I did admire his lovely
blue hat and shoes.

It was obviously the place to be, that weekend, but the lines were long and the crowds were thick.

And the music was LOUD.

In fact, that's what ultimately drove us away, and back to our nice quiet Virginia retreat. We must be getting even older and more boring than I realized.