Friday, July 23, 2010

Friday Fill-Ins #186

Didn't post a Friday Fill-Ins last week. We were at the beach, and I took a little break from blogging. But we're back now and it's been so amazingly hot these last few days, I've just been staying indoors and reading and playing with my computer. Fun, but it's making me feel really lazy. Oh, well, that's what summer is all about, right? Anyway, here goes another Friday Fill-Ins:

1. I feel pretty, oh so pretty. (Sorry. I was bitten by the West Side Story bug at an early age.)

2. I'm just trying to catch up. (Never gonna happen.)

3. Do not try to talk to me before I've had my morning coffee.

4. I always thought I was completely unique. (Until I realized I'm really just a slightly taller version of my mother!)

5. It's hard to know how much chocolate is too much. (Of course you knew chocolate had to be here somewhere.)

6. If today follows suit, we'll be having record heat around here. (Bummer.)

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to playing with the new computer and maybe watching the "It's Complicated" DVD we have from Netflix, tomorrow my plans include doing some shopping, returning books to the library, and having lunch out somewhere, and Sunday, I want to relax with the hubby, and get some reading done!


  1. Does one ever get caught up after being gone for a week? I will be playing catch up after next week.

  2. Hi Joy, your list could read like mine... although I am not in the Friday Fill-ins. Lucky you going to the beach. It's always nice to get away. It's hot here too, with thunderstorms every afternoon and evening. Not much movie/tv/reading/computer here... DD and I are PAINTING! Going well, but I'll be glad when we're through.

    Have a great weekend, and enjoy the movie. I haven't seen that one yet. ~Karen

  3. Your answers makes me smile heheh. Happy fill-ins.

    Mine is here

  4. There's a great version of "I Fell Pretty" by Little Richard. It's a hoot!

  5. Great fill ins! The one about being unique made me smile. :)

  6. "It's Complicated" is good -- but I am a Meryl Streep fan -- great actress and not super tiny! oh, and my age!

  7. Thanks for visiting my blog. =) Ditto on West Side Story. One of the best movies of all time.


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