Huzzah!!!! Even though it was Saturday and he wouldn't have been at work anyway, yesterday was my husband Michael's official retirement date. Today he is an authentic member of the ex-working-stiff community! (Congratulations, Sweetie!)
Sounds like an event to celebrate, right? So how did we spend the day?
Well, he started off the morning with a chipped tooth. An omen, maybe? He's sure he'll need a crown, so he'll be spending at least part of his first couple of months of retirement seeing a lot of our dentist. Seems appropriate somehow, doesn't it?
But the tooth wasn't painful, so we went out and picked up our prescriptions at the pharmacy, did some shopping for office supplies at our local Staples, and stopped off at Starbucks for a couple of lattes. Forgot all about picking up a bottle of champagne for toasting the occasion, but he did buy himself a little gift of a bottle of Scotch, so he didn't notice the lack of bubbly.
So far, he says retirement feels great. He's not bored yet, and he hasn't been away from it all long enough to miss any of his colleagues or his usual routines. Well, I "retired" several years ago (early and unofficially, but that's another story), and can't say I've regretted it for a minute, so I think he'll be OK. He slept late this morning, which is almost unheard-of around here. And he's spending the day on one of his favorite activities - tending to financial matters!
Will we drive each other bananas, now that we'll be spending all day together, everyday? Good question. The drama has just begun to unfold. Stay tuned to this station.