The Saturday 9 ("
Just a silly meme on a Saturday!") is hosted by Sam Winters. Nine questions posted every Saturday — sometimes random, sometimes with a theme. This week, the theme is...
Stars and Stripes Forever,
by The Muppets
If you're not familiar with the song, you can listen to it HERE.
Memorial Day is the federal holiday designated to honor American service people who died in battle. Though our song choice is humorous, we honor their sacrifice in our hearts.
This is another song I wasn't familiar with. Well, I'm familiar with the
song, just not the Muppets' rendition. I've always loved the Muppets (especially Miss Piggy and Big Bird), but the Hubby goes apoplectic whenever he encounters them. So I don't really get to see/hear all their stuff. Anyhoo....
Here we go.
Memorial Day was introduced after the Civil War. War memorials, as well as the graves of veterans, are to be decorated with flags and flowers on this day to show our appreciation. Is there a war memorial in your neighborhood?
Not in our immediate neighborhood. We live in a semi-rural community that's only recently begun to think of itself as a "town." And we haven't yet started putting up memorials or markers or what have you. But one of the other little "towns" a few miles down the road has a Veterans Memorial Park with this bronze statue of a young soldier. It's called "Going Home" and I don't know who the sculptor was.
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Andrew Johnson, our 17th President, was in office the first time Memorial Day (then called Decoration Day) was celebrated. Have you ever met one of our 45 Presidents?
No. Which is a little strange since M and I both worked in Washington DC for many years, and had enumerable chances to meet politicians. But there aren't many politicians I'd really
want to meet. Actually, most of them I wouldn't even want to be in the
same room with. (Ooops! Sorry if you or your loved ones are politicians. I'm sure I'd
love to be in the same room with
According to the AAA, 36 million Americans will hit the road this weekend and drive more than 50 miles. Will you be traveling far from home this weekend?
No, not far. It's possible we might head into Austin for some shopping, but that's a very remote possibility. We usually try to stay off the road on these big holiday weekends. Our community is having a mini music/art/food/boating fest by the lake today, and that was also a possibility. But it looks very much like it might be rained out. Bummer.
Memorial Day kicks off the summer season. What's your favorite picnic food?
Hot dogs, if cooking is available. Wine and cheese, if it's not. But I'm not a huge picnic fan, so I don't really do picnics very often.
Have you packed away your winter clothes? Or is the weather still so changeable that you still may need something warm?
Probably won't be needing anything really warm for several months now. But I still have winter things in the closet — I don't generally put them away when the warmer weather hits. We have a really big "master" closet and I don't have that many clothes, so I usually just cover up the off-season items and leave them there.
As you answer these questions, is there an air conditioner or fan on?
Oh, yeah. By this time of year, in central Texas, you either have the AC running or you melt. (Although we've had a very mild May so far.)
This week, we are featuring the Muppets. Jim Henson made the first Muppet out of an old coat, and he used ping pong balls for the eyes. Do you have a talent for do-it-yourself/arts and crafts projects?
No. Even though it pains me to say that. I'm not really artsy/craftsy, but I love to piddle with a/c anyway. The one thing I am pretty good at is sewing, but I haven't done much of that in years. I have a cousin (who blogs
HERE) who's an amazing quilter and needlecraft artist, but she got much more of the creative gene than I did.
Random question: Think of the last thing you bought. Did you get a good deal?
I'm pretty sure the last thing I bought was an e-book from Amazon, and it cost $1.99. So, yeah, I think I got a very good deal.
Crazy Sam needs your help: What song or a performer would you like to see featured in a Saturday 9 this summer? You'll begin seeing your suggestions as Saturday 9 themes in mid-June.
Well, I'm a newcomer to the Sat-9 meme, so I'm not really sure what songs/performers have already been featured. (And I'm too lazy right now to go find that out.) But when I think of summer and music, I mostly think about the Beach Boys, or Don Henley's "The Boys of Summer" or the
Sgt Pepper album by the Beatles (which was released on May 26, 1967 in England, and in the US on June 2, 1967 — so this year is its 50th anniversary).
Happy Saturday, everyone! Hope you have a lovely, safe holiday weekend.
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