Friday, June 30, 2017

Friday 5 for June 30: Shape of Things To Come

I haven't done a Friday 5 post in quite a while. This week's theme is all about the shapes of things:

1. What shape is your mood today?
I was going to say blob-shaped. Then I saw the last question, and don't want to be ripping anybody off. So, maybe sort of fractal-ish.
2. What snack comes in a fun shape?
Goldfish crackers, of course. (Never eat them.)
And gummy bears. (Can't stand anything gummy.)
Animal crackers. (My favorites when I was a kid.)
Pretzels. (The twisted ones — those "pretzel sticks" aren't really pretzels.)
3. Someone’s building your dream house, but it has to be in the shape of a letter of the alphabet. Which letter do you choose?
Which alphabet? Actually, I'm already living in my "dream house," and it's built in a sort of modified L-shape. So....
4. What’s a great song with a shape in its title or lyrics?
"The Circle Game" by Joni Mitchell.
5. What’s something in your line of sight that can reasonably be called blob-shaped?
Not really anything in my line of sight. Everything here in the living room is pretty well-defined, as far as shape goes. But if I turned around, I'd be looking at the kitchen and I'm sure I could find some blobby content there. Especially if it was something I cooked

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Unconscious Mutterings: Week 751

Mutterings for the week of June 26th. Unconscious Mutterings is hosted by LunaNiña. And here we go....
  1. Honor :: among thieves
  2. Adopt :: a pet
  3. Record :: album
  4. Birthday :: cake (mmmm... cake!)

  5. Sensational :: hype
  6. Favor :: request
  7. Twist :: ..and Shout!
  8. Panel :: committee
  9. Backtrack :: do over
  10. Pretzel :: ...Logic (the great Steely Dan album/song).

    Hear it HERE

Saturday, June 24, 2017

The Saturday 9: Listen to the Music

The Saturday 9  is hosted by Sam Winters. Nine questions posted every Saturday — sometimes random, sometimes with a theme. This week, the theme is...

"Listen to the Music" by the Doobie Brothers (1972) 

 Unfamiliar with this week's tune? You can listen to it HERE.

1. The lyrics say, "What the people need is a way to make them smile." What song lifts your spirits and makes you smile every time you hear it?
Wow, so many. It would be hard to settle on just one, although this one definitely does it. And "China Grove," also by the Doobies. But lots of others, especially "Come on Eileen" by Dexy's Midnight Runners. (You can see the video for that one HERE.) "I Get Around" by the Beach Boys. "Pretty Woman" by Roy Orbison. "Sweet Caroline" by Neil Diamond. "You Never Can Tell" by Chuck Berry. And "I Saw Her Standing There" and "Twist and Shout" by the Beatles, for very personal reasons. All of them golden oldies, but then so am I.
2. Lead vocalist/composer Tom Johnston reports that he's made a lot in royalties because so many radio stations use this as a jingle. Tell us a jingle that sticks in your head.
Fortunately, I really haven't had any jingles sticking in my head lately. But somebody has been using Aerosmith's "Dream On" in a commercial recently, and every time I hear it I go around sort of squealing "Dream On" for a while, in my best Steven Tyler falsetto.
3. The Doobie Brothers got their start in San Jose, California. San Jose is the largest city in Northern California, thanks to all the tech companies that have headquarters there. Let's talk about the device you're on right now: are all your applications up to date?
Probably. Even though I'm not very tech savvy, M is and he does a great job of keeping everything updated and running smoothly.
4. When they were still a local band, the Doobie Brothers had a strong following among bikers. Are you attracted to biker culture?
No, but I do like motorcycles. M had a Honda many years ago, and it was lots of fun. But people in cars kept running into him, so we eventually sold it.
5. This week's song is from Toulouse Street, which is considered their "breakthrough" album. Tell us about a moment in your own life that you consider a "breakthrough."
I've certainly had some "breakthrough" moments, but they're not really things I can share here on the blog.
6. In 1987, the Doobie Brothers did a benefit performance for Vietnam Veterans at the Hollywood Bowl. Next to the Beatles, it was the fastest-selling ticket in Hollywood Bowl history. Which group do you listen to more often -- the Doobies or the Beatles?
I love the Beatles and the Doobies both. But these days, I listen mostly to jazz.
7. In 1972, when this song was popular, Wranglers were America's best-selling jeans. Are you brand-loyal to one jeans manufacturer?
Not really, but I do seem to have more Gloria Vanderbilt jeans than other brands in the closet right now.
8. Grocery stores saw seafood prices fluctuate wildly in 1972 because of a series of confrontations between the United Kingdom and Iceland regarding fishing rights in the North Atlantic. (Iceland won.) What was the most recent seafood dish that you enjoyed?
Well, the other night we had a salmon salad that was very tasty. But last weekend, M made his famous grilled tuna steaks with pico de gallo garnish. Extremely delish!
9. Random question: Which of these "top ten" lists would you prefer to be on -- the sexiest, the smartest or the richest?
Um, not sexiest. Even when I was young enough for that to be a remote possibility, I wouldn't have picked that one. Once upon a time I probably would have said smartest. But we seem to have entered a new age where being smart isn't as big an asset as it once was. So maybe richest is the best way to go, in this brave new Trumpian era.

Happy Saturday, everyone! And have a great weekend.

For more Saturday 9 Q&A, just click on this button:

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Unconscious Mutterings: Week 750

Mutterings for the week of June 19th. Unconscious Mutterings is hosted by LunaNiña. And here we go....
  1. Basketball :: Go, Spurs!!!

  2. Traffic :: Steve Winwood (Dear Mr. Fantasy, play us a tune....)
  3. Relationship :: together
  4. Phoenix :: Suns (Yeah, basketball again. You started it.)
  5. Tapping :: ghosts, maple trees, Fred Astaire
  6. Young man :: young woman
  7. Hulk :: Bill Bixby/Lou Ferrigno
  8. Whiskey :: Scotland
  9. Market :: super
  10. Career :: work, calling, livelihood

Photo For Wednesday: Nap Time

Looks like Baby Deer is getting an earful from Mom. Maybe a nap-time story?

Happy Wednesday, everyone!

Linking up with:

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Sunday Stealing: The Ginormous Questions

What's this all about? All types of questions stolen from every corner of the blogosphere. (Go HERE to find out more.) This week we have The Ginormous Questions.
  1. Are you single?

    No. M and I had our 50th anniversary last year.
  2. Are your parents still married?

    My father died at age 37, when I was 10. He and my mother were still married when he died; my mom never remarried.
  3. Are you in love?

  4. Do you believe in love at first sight?

    Yes. I'm certain that it happens all the time. (Thank you, John Lennon and Paul McCartney.)
  5. Who ended your last relationship?

    I did. But he deserved it.
  6. Have you ever been hurt by a break up?

  7. Have you ever broken someone’s heart?

    I think so.
  8. Have you ever had a secret admirer?

  9. Prefer love or lust?

    Love, but they're both pretty nice.
  10. Prefer a few best friends or many regular friends?

    A few besties. I don't have the energy for a lot of friends.
  11. Wild night out or romantic night in?

    I'm too old for this question.
  12. Back in the day: Been caught sneaking out?

    Not that I remember. Been caught sneaking into a few places.
  13. Ever wanted something/someone so badly it hurt?

  14. Who are/is your best friend(s)?

    I've answered this one a lot lately. The Hubs is my best friend.
  15. Ever wanted to disappear?

    Many times.
  16. First attraction: Smile or eyes?

    Usually the smile.
  17. Prefer intelligence or attraction?

    Why not both? Intelligence is very attractive.
  18. Last phone call you received?

    I'm pretty sure it was from a telemarketer.
  19. Last thing you drank?

    Starbucks Pike Place with a little raw sugar, no cream.
  20. Before your current one, when was your last relationship?

    Oh, honey — that's going back a long, long time. I met my husband in high school and we started dating just before graduation. So that would have been several centuries ago. (My last "relationship" before that was with the best friend of the man I eventually married. Yeah, I left one for the other one. And they remained friends. Go figure.)
  21. Do you and your family get along?

    I try to get along with everyone. Sometimes that's not easy.
  22. Would you say you have a "screwed up life"?

    Absolutely not. I've been very fortunate in life.
  23. Have you ever gotten kicked out somewhere? If yes, do tell.

    Yes. Once many years ago (many, MANY years ago), I had to be carried out of a bar after I drank myself into oblivion and collapsed on a table. The people I was with were pretty smashed too, and the management told them to get me out of there and not to come back. I never did go back. Not sure about the rest of the group.
  24. Do you trust all your friends?

    I don't have a ton of friends, but they're all pretty trustworthy.
  25. Who knows the most about you?

    Definitely my hubby.

Friday, June 16, 2017

Saturday 9: Growing Pains

The Saturday 9  is hosted by Sam Winters. Nine questions posted every Saturday — sometimes random, sometimes with a theme. This week, the theme is...

As Long as We Got Each Other (Theme from Growing Pains) 
... because it's Father's Day weekend 

 Unfamiliar with this week's tune? You can listen to it HERE.


I used to watch this show pretty faithfully when it first appeared, but I didn't remember the theme song at all. When I think of it now, mostly what I remember about the show (or about any TV shows from that period) is the big hair and shoulder pads. 

I stopped watching the show after the first couple of seasons, before the fourth child came along.


1. This is the theme from the 1980s sitcom, Growing Pains. Alan Thicke played Dr. Jason Seaver, one of TVs popular dads. Who is your favorite TV dad?

Uh-oh. You're gonna be sorry you asked that question. I have a list.

I don't have a current favorite, mainly because I don't really watch many family-type shows these days. But I have a list of great dads from older shows.

Probably my FIRST favorite TV dad (way back before any of you guys were born; possibly even before your DADs were born) was Jim Anderson on Father Knows Best, played by Robert Young. He was always so patient and nice to everyone. Never lost his temper. Never did anything mean or dishonest. Always wore suits and ties to work. And he always knew best. Well, actually it frequently took a whole show and some intervention from Mrs. Anderson (played by Jane Wyatt) before he finally figured out what was best. But in the end, everything always worked out nicely. A real dream world dad.

But I have other favorites. Just a few: Hal from Malcolm in the Middle (played by Bryan Cranston), Joseph "Rocky" Rockford from The Rockford Files (played by Noah Berry, Jr.), Homer Simpson from The Simpsons (voiced by Dan Castellaneta), Frank Costanza from Seinfeld (played by Jerry Stiller), Ben Cartwright from Bonanza (played by Lorne Greene), Sheriff Andy Taylor from The Andy Griffith Show (played by Andy Griffith, of course). And Cliff Huxtable from The Cosby Show, played by Bill Cosby (whatever he may or may not be guilty of, Cosby created a wonderful father figure in that show).

2. Joanna Kearns, who played Jason's wife, reports that she teased her costar by calling him, "Al," a nickname he hated. Is there someone in your life that you enjoy needling?

Not really. I don't like to be needled, so I try very hard not to needle.

3. For most of the series, the Seaver children each represented a "type." The oldest, Mike, was the trouble maker. The daughter, Carol, was the brainiac. Young Ben could be very high maintenance. Which of the Seaver kids were you most like when you were growing up?

Well, I definitely wasn't a "brainiac." And I was always sort of a rule-follower, so I was pretty well-behaved. I suppose if I was like any of them, it would have been the high maintenance one, although no one ever called me that. Back in my day, kiddies, if you got too "high maintenance," you got smacked.

4. In the song, BJ Thomas sings about being "the luckiest dreamer who never quit dreaming." If you could have any dream come true this Saturday, what would you wish for?

Dangerous question. Maybe no more mass shootings or terror attacks?

5. When he mans the grill, Sam's father proudly wears the "Kiss the Chef" she gave him for Father's Day years ago. Tell us about a gift you gave someone that was a hit.

I am a terrible gift-picker. I never know what to give anyone, and have a really hard time shopping for Christmas, birthday or anniversary gifts. Some of my gifts don't flop as badly as others, but I honestly can't remember any of them ever being what you'd call "a hit." Sad.

6. Sam's dad takes his grilling very seriously and jealously guards his special marinade recipe. Do you have a secret you haven't even shared with family members?


7. He recommends using a grill basket when barbecuing vegetables so you don't have to worry about them falling through the grill. Share one of your culinary tips with us.

Fresh basil can really perk up a frozen pizza.

8. Sam's father hates it when she swears. What's the last curse word you used?

Cannot be repeated here. Since the election back in November, I've been swearing a lot more than usual.

9. Sam's father satisfies his afternoon sugar craving with an almost endless stream of Butter Rum Lifesavers. When you crave a snack, do you usually want something sweet or salty?

Usually salty. Unless there's chocolate in the area.

Happy Saturday, everyone! And have a great weekend.

For more Saturday 9 Q&A, just click on this button:

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Unconscious Mutterings: Week 749

Mutterings for the week of June 12th. Unconscious Mutterings is hosted by LunaNiña. And here we go....
  1. Validation :: proof, confirmation, support
  2. Bruised :: bananas (I hate bruised fruit and don't like to eat it. Which is strange, since my mother always told me that when I was small, the bruised part of bananas was the only part I'd eat. Does this mean something? Probably not? Just rambling. Sorry.)
  3. Collect :: amass, assemble, congregate
  4. Water :: bottled
  5. Peanuts :: Snoopy, the circus, Jimmy Carter
  6. Injured :: hurt, damaged, bruised
  7. Pregnant :: pause
  8. Fruitty :: Hawaiian Punch
  9. Cute :: kittens, puppies, the guy I married
  10. Wrinkled :: me

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Sunday Stealing: The High School Questions

What's this all about? All types of questions stolen from every corner of the blogosphere. (Go HERE to find out more.) This week we have The High School Questions.
  1. Did you date someone from your school?

    Yes. Many someones.
  2. Did you marry someone from your high school?

    Yes. Only one, though.
  3. Did you car pool to school?

    I was car-pooled. Never had a car of my own back then. I also frequently walked to and from school, since I only lived a few blocks away.
  4. What kind of car did you have?

    See answer to #3 above.
  5. What kind of car do you have now?

    A nearly-six-year-old Ford Escape. Great car.
  6. It's Friday night...where are you now?

    At home with the hubby. Most likely watching basketball or a movie on the tube.
  7. It is Friday night...where were you then?

    Depending on the time of year, I would have been at a movie, hanging out at the local drive-in or Dairy Queen, at a football game, or at a play rehearsal. Or at home watching 77 Sunset Strip. (Loved Edd Byrnes as "Kookie.")

  8. What kind of job did you have in high school?

    Didn't have a job when I was in high school.
  9. What kind of job do you do now?

    Retired. The best job I've had, so far.
  10. Were you a party animal?

    Not really. I went to some parties, but I was a pretty serious student, too. And play rehearsals took up a lot of my free time.
  11. Were you considered a flirt?

    I wouldn't think so. I did my fair share, though.
  12. Were you in band, orchestra, or choir?

    None of those. I was a speech-and-drama kid.
  13. Were you a nerd?

    No. I was "artsy."
  14. Did you get suspended from school?

    Certainly not.
  15. Can you sing the fight song?

    I can. You don't really want me to.
  16. Who was/were your favorite teacher?

    I had one English teacher I loved. But I guess my favorite teacher was the head of the school's speech/drama department. I took a bunch of her classes and worked with her on many stage productions and speech contests.
  17. Where did you sit during lunch?

    At a table.
  18. What was your school's full name?

    Thomas Alva Edison High School.
  19. Where did you party the most?

    As I said, I wasn't really a party person.
  20. What was your school mascot?

    The Edison Golden Bear.
  21. Would you do it again?

    Go back to high school? No way! I enjoyed school pretty much, but the happiest day of my teenaged life was graduation day.
  22. Did you have fun at Prom?

    OK, this is something I've been wondering about. When did "the prom" become just "Prom"? "Going to Prom" sounds so ultimate, like "going to Paris" or "going to Mars." Now in my day (kiddies), you went to THE prom. There were many proms in the course of a school career — recurrent events, not just a singular entity. I attended lots of proms while I was in high school — my school had at least three or four every year. I enjoyed some more than others. If we're talking about my Senior Prom, yes I had a lot of fun.
  23. Do you still talk to the person you went to Prom with?

    Again, I'm assuming this is my Senior Prom, right? In that case, yes I do still talk to him. I married him.
  24. Are you planning on going to your next reunion?

    Not planning on it, but if there is one, I suppose it's possible I might go.
  25. Do you still talk to people from school?

    A few.
  26. What are/were your school's colors?

    Black and gold.
All hail to Old Edison, the Black and the Gold!
Long may her colors fly!
Rise all ye sons and ye daughters, too.
Her spirit must not die.
(Rah! Rah! Rah!)
All hail to Old Edison, the Black and the Gold!
What care we for the rest?
So let's give all we've got for Old Edison,
The school that we love best!

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Saturday 9: "C" Is For Cookie

The Saturday 9  is hosted by Sam Winters. Nine questions posted every Saturday — sometimes random, sometimes with a theme. This week, the theme is...

"C" Is For Cookie, by Cookie Monster

If you're not familiar with the song, you can listen to it HERE.


This is another song I wasn't familiar with, so I had to go check it out on YouTube. 
I've always liked Cookie Monster, though. 
And I always like baking cookies, too — although I haven't done any cookie baking in quite a while. 
I used to know a girl named Cookie, too. 
And I've even been referred to as "one tough cookie." 
So I'm ready for any and all cookie-related questions. 
Here goes....


1. This week's featured artist, Cookie Monster says his favorite TV show is Monsterpiece Theater. What show do you try never to miss?

Well, aside from the evening news, right now I'm not really watching any shows on a regular basis. The last show we watched that I absolutely would not miss was Mad Men, and that's been over for a while now. Do sports shows count? I faithfully watched every Spurs game this season.

2. Though he goes by Cookie Monster professionally, he is still called Sid by his family. When will you next get together with your relatives?

I have no idea. None of our relatives live right near us, so it takes a fair amount of planning for any get togethers. We just visited with some of M's family earlier this week, though.

3. Now for the cookie questions! Where do you weigh in on this age-old controversy: Is a brownie a cookie or a cake?

A brownie is a brownie is a brownie. Would not a brownie by any other name still taste as delicious? I'm rambling here. Ya got me thinking about brownies. I don't know about cake or cookie, I just want one right now!

4. Fig Newtons contain no cholesterol. Do you read nutrition labels before eating snacks? Or does knowing the truth about your favorite sweets ruin your enjoyment?

I usually do read all the nutrition information, but I still indulge in some things that I know aren't really good for me. Having reached this advanced age, I feel like I deserve a treat now and then. Maybe NOW, actually.

5. Biscotti are designed for dipping into drinks. Do you like to dunk your cookies?

I do like to dunk. Some cookies are better for dunking than others. Like biscotti. And Oreos.

6. Do you prefer cookies made with milk chocolate chips, dark chocolate chips or semi-sweet chocolate chips? Or are you a rebel who prefers butterscotch chips?

All of the above. Never met a chip I didn't like — chocolate, butterscotch, potato, or corn.

7. Bill Murray once said, "Raisin cookies that look like chocolate chip cookies are the main reason I have trust issues." Do you like raisin cookies?

Interesting. I feel sort of the same way about gluten-free cookies — they look like cookies, but they're not. I do like raisin cookies. I like raisins in general. I also like Bill Murray.

8. Nabisco still sells animal-shaped cookies in a red box that looks like a train car labeled, "Barnum's Animals." However Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey Circus gave their last-ever performance on May 21, 2017. Have you ever been to the circus?

I went to the circus when I was a child. I think maybe a couple of times. I liked the circus. I wanted to join the circus. Wanted to be one of those flying trapeze people. I was quite nimble as a kiddo. After I grew up, and realized how cruelly some of the animals in the circus are treated, I sort of lost interest in circus-going. I'd still like to do that flying trapeze thing, though.

9. Have you ever received a memorable fortune in a fortune cookie?

I guess not, since I don't remember any. 

Happy Saturday, everyone! And have a great weekend.

For more Saturday 9 Q&A, just click on this button:

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Unconscious Mutterings: Week 748

Mutterings for the week of June 5th. Unconscious Mutterings is hosted by LunaNiña. And here we go....
  1. Boredom :: TV
  2. Lifestyle :: choices
  3. Adopt :: animal shelter
  4. Foolishness :: politics
  5. Backtrack :: return, try again
  6. Plastic :: ...Fantastic Lover (thank you, Jefferson Airplane)
  7. Debt :: obligation
  8. Flag :: stars and stripes
  9. Unique :: one off
  10. West :: Adam (still my favorite Batman)

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Sunday Stealing: The Random Questions, Part 683

What's this all about? All types of questions stolen from every corner of the blogosphere. (Go HERE to find out more.) This week we have The Random Questions, Part 683.
  1. How old do you look?
    As old as I am.
  2. Where do you live?
  3. Are you waiting for something?
    Yes, several things. Today, I'm mostly waiting to hear from M's brother who's visiting from Florida.
  4. What’s one pet peeve of yours that is not common?
    ???? I have many peeves, pet and otherwise. Probably none of them are really uncommon.
  5. Do you want/have kids?
    No kids.
  6. Have you ever thought about converting your religion?
    I was raised Methodist, and "converted" to Presbyterian when I married. Technically, I'm still Presbyterian, but I'm not currently involved in any organized religion.
  7. Last shocking news you heard?
    I suppose I could say the terror attacks in London last night. But at this point, terror attacks aren't really that shocking anymore.
  8. What was the last thing you drank?
    Cranberry juice.
  9. Who do you most look like in your family?
    I look a lot like my mother's youngest sister. Also look a lot like my father and a couple of his older sisters. There's definitely a resemblance to both families, so even though I used to think I might have been adopted, I've always known that can't be true.
  10. If you could have something right now, anything, what would it be?
    Wow, what a dangerous question. Of course, I'd like a cure for cancer and an end to poverty and ignorance, worldwide. I'd like people to stop killing each other. But that's asking an awful lot, right? So I'll just say: I'd like an intelligent, educated, real adult human being with a real brain as president, please. (You asked.)
  11. Where does most of your family live?
    This sounds like one of those questions they warn you not to answer on the Internet. I have family all over the place.
  12. Where did you grow up?
    Another security no-no. But OK, I grew up in Texas.
  13. Where do you want to go on vacation?
    Back to Hawaii or Rehoboth. Also always wanted to visit the Grand Canyon. Also hope to see Italy before I get too old to know what I'm seeing.
  14. Have you ever had a panic attack?
    Many times.
  15. What can’t you wait for?
    Can't think of anything, really. I've learned patience in my old age.
  16. When’s the last time you told someone you loved him or her and meant it?
    Last night. The hubby. Meant it when I said it and always.
  17. Have your parents ever smoked pot?
    Neither of my parents is still with us. I can say without a doubt that my mother never smoked pot. Not so sure about my father — he was in the Navy during WWII, stationed in California and England. Who knows what he might have gotten up to back then?
  18. Want someone back in your life?
    Yes. A few I can think of.
  19. What do you order at the bar?
    It depends. On many factors. Where, when, who I'm with, if I'm driving, etc. Usually either white wine, a margarita or Tanqueray and tonic.
  20. When was the last time you cried really, really hard?
    I've answered this several times recently. I'm not a crier.
  21. What are your nicknames?
    And another one of those don't tell questions. Passwords, you know.
  22. What is your favorite thing to eat with peanut butter?
    More peanut butter. I love peanut butter. It's one of my favorite foods. I could just eat it out of the jar with a spoon and be perfectly happy. Unfortunately, I seem to have developed a mild allergy to peanuts/peanut butter and don't eat it anymore. When I did, I liked it by itself on crackers. Or in a sandwich with sliced bananas. But my favorite (back in the day) was peanut butter and crispy bacon on white bread. Now that's a killer sandwich. Literally.
  23. Where were you on July 4th, 2008?
    Well now, Inspector. I'm not sure — let me check my diary. Hmmm. Seems we were in Shenandoah National Park, hiking the Deep Hollow Falls trail. I had my travel doll Kayla with me.

  24. If you could go forward in time, how far forward would you go?
    I'm not sure I'd want to. I don't think I'm going to like the future we seem to be making for ourselves.
  25. If you could go back in time, how far back would you go?
    I wouldn't. I'm really pretty happy with living in the present. I like to read about time travel, but don't think I'd really care to experience it.

Friday, June 2, 2017

Saturday 9: Lazy Bones

The Saturday 9  is hosted by Sam Winters. Nine questions posted every Saturday — sometimes random, sometimes with a theme. This week, the theme is...

Lazy Bones, by Leon Redbone

If you're not familiar with the song, you can listen to it HERE.
And you can hear it done by the song's composer Hoagy Carmichael HERE.


I liked Leon Redbone back in the '70s, although I don't think I ever had any of his records. He was always such a mysterious character, and no one seemed to know anything about him. Of course, this was way back in the distant dark ages before the Internet and Google and Wikipedia put all information on everything/everyone right at our fingertips twenty-four hours a day. For a while we didn't even know his first name — he was just "Redbone."


1. This song is about a guy who'd rather nap than do his chores. Are there things you should be doing right now, instead of hanging around the blogosphere, answering these questions?

Well, I'm retired. So, technically anyway, I can do whatever I want whenever I want. That said, I imagine I could find any number of more productive things to be doing right now. I just don't wanna.

2. This song mentions a lazy afternoon of fishing. When did you last go fishing?

Wow, it's been a really long time. Maybe like thirty years or more. M's parents used to own a place on Lake Buchanan (in a little town called Tow, TX), and we fished there at least once. Back in the 1980s, probably. I'm not really a fisherman (fisherwoman?) — although I do like looking at all those cute little lures and gadgets. And I can bait a hook. But I just find it all pretty boring. And smelly. So I'm not likely to say anything like "Honey, why don't you ever take me fishing?"

3. The lyrics catch our hero sleeping in both the sun and the shade. Do you have a nice, shady place to nap on your front lawn? Or would we catch you lying in the sun?

We do have some nice shady places to nap in our yard. M has even talked about putting a hammock out there. And I would love to lie around in the sun and get a beautiful deep tan. But I have asthma and I'm allergic to pretty much the entire outside world. So if I do any napping, it's going to be indoor napping.

4. This week's featured artist, Leon Redbone, is a difficult man to nail down. Over the years he's claimed to be born in Ontario, and Philadelphia, and even Cyprus. Tell us about a time you got caught in a fib.

No way. Some things are best kept under one's hat if one knows what's good for one. This one does.

5. Mr. Redbone has said that taking himself too seriously would be "the gentle kiss of death." What's something that you always take seriously and just can't joke about?

Well, I take a lot of things seriously — M's health and safety, my health and safety, how I feel about the people I love, our rights as citizens of a (relatively) free and (at least for the time being) democratic nation. But, even so — I can joke about most everything. Which is something I have to be very careful about.

6. He has retired from public life, and that includes his Facebook page, which is no longer available. What did you last post to your Facebook page?

Not really a Facebook fan, so I had to go look this up. On May 23rd, I posted a notice about Roger Moore's death (very sad news). And before that, I posted in March when Chuck Berry died. I don't check in with Facebook very often, and when I do it seems like I just post death notices.

7. Leon always wore dark glasses when he performed. Do your sunglasses have gray, green, brown or rose colored lenses?

I always get very dark gray lenses.

8. Recently Dick Van Dyke performed this song at a charity benefit, aided by his a capella quartet, The Vantastix. Last year, at age 90, he campaigned for Bernie Sanders. So Mr. Van Dyke is certainly not a "lazy bones." Who's the most active, energetic person in your life?

That would be the hubby. M is much more energetic than I am. Fortunately — or we'd never get anything done around here. I'm definitely more of a lazybones.

9. Random question: You're at dinner with friends and someone begins a very long joke with, "Stop me if you've heard this before." You have heard it, many times before. Do you stop him? Or do you just sit through it again?

Depends on how close a friend, and who else is there. And if it's the Hubs telling the joke, I'd just pretend I'm hearing it for the first time and let him roll.

Happy Saturday, everyone! And have a great weekend.

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